Does your business has a turnover above £150,000?

Do you have a team of at least 3 people including you?

Has your business been trading for at least three years?

Do you feel stuck at the operational level of your business?

Do you bolt out of bed because of its a new day ahead?

Do you have moments when you feel that instead of your team you have extra 3-5 kids running around?

Do you use software to keep your business books?

Do you have a personal assistant?

Are you mostly trading your time for money?

Do you consider yourself to be highly rewarded financially for your industry?

Can you take 8 weeks of holidays each year without your business suffering?

Have you ever received a scam email pretending to be from the tax office?

Have you ever had legal actions taken by your supplier/service provider because of non-payment of their invoices?

Do you feel like you’re overlooked despite having a lot of value to offer?

Does your family think you spend enough time with them?

Do you have your personal budget per month or the year?

Have you read a self-development book in the last month or so?

Does your business pay your mobile phone bill?

Does your business pay your child school fees or nursery fees?

Does your business pay your gym membership?

Do you feel tired?

Do you have holidays planned this year?

Do people in your circle support you?
